Ninety years ago tomorrow, my grandfather was born. He passed away two years ago just after his 88th birthday. I grew up trout fishing his farm in Western Pennsylvania. I learned to wield a fly rod in his bottom. I spent more time on a boat with him than I can remember. He is a large part of why I love to fish so much today. Rather than visit a cemetery and talk to a rock, I make it a point to fish every year on or around his birthday. I thought of him a great deal today.I caught some fish. I took in the sights. I remembered a good man.
The day started with a thunder that woke me out of bed. I did not think it was even suppose to rain this morning, but sure enough the streets were wet. I was going to leave bright and early, but a quick check of the radar kept me at home a few hours longer. I was in no hurry. I was fishing alone today.
The river was busy with other anglers and canoes. So after a quick stop at one of my favorite spots, I decided to head upstream above the canoe hatch. It was a good idea. I arrived at the next spot to find only one car and I figured that this person was fishing the lower water, so I rigged up and headed upstream. I was rewarded immediately for my move. My first fish on my new 4pc 7'9" 3 weight came on the dry. A good omen for a new rod!
I quietly worked my way upstream. I fished small pools and quick runs. I had a couple of misses on my dropper and a quick inspection found me changing flies to something with a sharp hook. On the next two casts, I was rewarded with an 11" and the fish of the day, a solid 15" Mad River brown. Unfortunately for me, the bigger fish would not cooperate for the camera and was soon out of the net and back in the water.
That fortunate feeling of fooling a trout is as satisfying as anything I know in nature. I was good for the day. I could have left and went home, but there were more fish to catch and more memories to remember.As I worked my way upstream some more, I was again reminded of my times with Pap. He gave me my first fly rod. It was an old fiberglass South Bend with a matching reel. I remembered that old rod, my first tackle box, walks along the creek, my first deer rifle, my first trip to Canada,rabbit hunts, my first walleye, and on and on.
At the next nice hole, I caught two more trout and lost another good one. I also saw a nice buck run across the river, jump a fence, and turn to see what had startled him. It was and awesome way to be reminded of my time with Pap.
I caught more trout today than I deserved. I made more memories and was reminded of old ones. I will fish again tomorrow with the family and celebrate the fourth as well as Pap's birthday. It will be another good day on the water! I'll end this with a few pictures of my day.
One of the many GIANT cottonwood trees that line the stream.
Some of the stream side vegetation.
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