Today, Coach Miller and I headed north to the Rocky River. We were up early and on the road before 6am. After a stop at McDonalds, we were soon suited up and headed for the running waters of the Rocky.
I have to say that the Cleveland Metro Parks are incredible. As a Steeler fan, it is hard for me to find anything nice to say about Cleveland, but the parks are the best I have ever seen.
Coach and I fished the Cedar Point area of the park and I hooked up on a large white sucker that fought like a champ. Sorry, I do not take pictures of suckers! After hammering a section of riffles, we decided to head up-stream and above the crowds of fisherman. We soon found solitude and a fish.
We fished hard for several hours and found a few more suckers and sevral chubs, but a cold front seemed to shut the fish down. I would like to explore more of the upper reaches of this system during a weekday.
It was a good day spent with a good fishing buddy.
Kool Daddy!! Thatz a BIG fish! ~lil' momo