The weather seemed somewhat unsettled. It has almost been a reflection of my life. Sunny one minute and dreary the next. Today would be no different.A quick text to my buddy Mike and we were soon on our way to local water.

Clear Creek is not my favorite Ohio trout stream, but it is close. There has been much debate as to the fishery's viability. Poaching, warm tempratures, and low summer flows have lead to many debates on the sustainability of this water shed. I am not one to complain, but the stream seems to lack the promise of trout larger than ten inches. I refer to the stream as a pacifier for other places with more promise. However...
What Clear Creek lacks in leviathon browns it makes up for in scenery. The stream always seems to allow me the feeling that I have left the state for some place more peaceful or exotic.
We moved trout all day and experienced a gammit of weather conditions that ranged fro warm sun to heavy sleet and hail. It was a fantastic day with a few fish landed and many more that teased us to return.